Traffic Management
The attached plan will give you an indication of how traffic flow is managed.
Families should note the ‘no standing’ and 40km zones along Campbell Road during designated times.
Students should not be dropped at the front of the school, for a busy family this seems convenient, but there is no safe pedestrian access into the school from this point, as the large school buses are moving in and around the area.
If parents or carers need to come into the school office during these busy times please park in the designated carpark and walk over to the office.
Please remember for 15 minutes each day in the afternoon there is much flurry as we try to get all our young people home safely. Be patient and follow staff directions, take your time and limit your vehicle speed to 10kph.

Please note that the drop off and pick up points for bus travellers is inside the (front) ‘D’ entrance to the school as it comes off Campbell Road. Buses will enter from the northern end of the ‘D’ and exit via the southern end. Only buses are permitted in this area between 8.15am and 9.00am in the morning and 2.45pm and 3.30pm in the afternoon.
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
Parent drop off and pick up takes place in the driveway area on the southern aspect of the school. Parents need to enter the school from Campbell Road and use parking spaces that have been established on this side of the school. We ask that speed limits are kept to 10kmh maximum. Please approach this busy time of the day with patience and cooperation so we can establish a pick up and drop off area that is safe and effective for our school community.
Staff members will be on duty to assist with traffic flow and to ensure student safety.